Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bomb Squad Detonates Colorado Apartment of Theater Shooting Suspect (VIDEO)

From Rick Moran at PJ Media, "Police Detonate Booby-Trap in Colorado Suspect’s Apartment."

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Bomb experts touch off explosion in Holmes' rigged apartment."

And remember this part from Reuters earlier, "Police to detonate devices in Colorado shooting suspect's home":
James Holmes, who was arrested after allegedly opening fire on hundreds of people watching a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises," apparently also set some audio equipment at his apartment on a timer, a second law enforcement source close to the investigation said.

The timer set off some loud music later in the night.

"It was to turn the music on ... it was on a timer. It came on loudly obviously to create a call for noise disturbance. People would make entry and potentially (trigger) those explosive devices," the second source said.
Yeah, trigger those explosives and blow up those entering the apartment. That is sinister, indeed.

See also the New York Times, "Police Disarm Major Threats at Suspect’s Apartment."

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