Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mitt Fights Back

The left has just begun to smear, but after a good start on responding to the despicable left-wing character assassination machine, Mitt Romney started to fall down on the job.

Here's this from the New York Times, "Conservatives Push Romney to Deliver Counterpunch":
WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney and his team of advisers built a reputation during the Republican primaries as tough street fighters skilled in the tactics of political warfare. They quietly took pride in tearing apart Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and the rest of their rivals.

The aggressive posture ultimately became one of Mr. Romney’s selling points, particularly among conservative voters who were searching for the candidate tenacious enough to take out President Obama in the general election.

But now, even with polls suggesting he is battling Mr. Obama to a draw at this stage of the race, Mr. Romney finds himself confronting concern that he is not nimble and aggressive enough to withstand the Democratic assault against him.

The president and his re-election campaign have managed to turn the focus of the race in recent days to taxes, outsourcing jobs and Mr. Romney’s bank accounts — almost everything except the weak job-creation figures released last week.

That has stirred worries among some Republicans that Mr. Romney is allowing himself to be defined by the Obama forces and that he lacks the kind of powerful counterpunch the base of the Republican Party is craving.

Now deep into his second run for the White House, Mr. Romney has shown consistent discipline, sticking doggedly to his strategy of making the election about Mr. Obama’s stewardship of the economy and for the most part avoiding being baited into traps set for him by rivals.

“If you’re responding, you’re losing,” Mr. Romney told Fox News on Wednesday, his voice betraying no air of concern.

But the latest Democratic offensive has become so intense that the Romney campaign will start a new wave of television commercials on Thursday, aides said. In a rapid-fire era of presidential politics, when candidates have the ability to respond at a moment’s notice, the restraint of the Romney campaign over the last two weeks has opened a round of second-guessing about his insistent focus on the economy...
Good. Here's the website,

And from Daniel Halper, at the Weekly Standard, "New Romney Ad Calls Obama Liar, Dishonest."

Excellent. The key now is not to let up. Forget that line about how responding is for losers, or whatever. A winner will have a vicious rapid-reaction team that hits back twice as hard. Leftists are f-king liars and thugs, and Obama is king of 'em all. Take 'em out.

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