Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mossad Reportedly Fears Iranian Attack on Israeli Athletes at Olympics

At the Times of Israel:
Israel reportedly fears Iran or a proxy organization may seek to attack Israelis during the Olympic Games, set to begin later this week, The Sunday Times reported.

Israel had already planned for beefed-up security for its delegation at the Games in London, but now harbors concerns that the terrorists responsible for last week’s bombing of an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas, Bulgaria, will strike again, the paper reported Sunday.

According to the Sunday Times, agents from the Mossad spy agency and Shin Bet security service, who flew to Bulgaria in the wake of the bombing, have hurried to try to identify the bomber and his helpers in an effort to counter any possible threats on Israel’s delegation to the high-profile event.

A Mossad agent in Bulgaria has reportedly been in close contact with Britain’s security service about possible threats. According to the report, special Mossad agents have been dispatched to capitals around Europe where members of Iran’s Quds Force are known to be working out of embassies.
More at the link.

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