Saturday, July 14, 2012

Obama's Stench of Desperation

This Ed Morrissey piece is must-read, "Axelrod: “There’s this reign of terror going on in the Republican Party”." Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod slurs congressional Republicans as Jacobin terrorists, in an interview with the National Journal, and Morrissey responds:
I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised to hear this kind of rhetoric from the flailing and failing Obama campaign....

The actual “reign of terror,” for the sake of those as historically illiterate as Axelrod, took place during the French Revolution, when it turned bloody.  The revolutionaries became as despotic as the monarchy they deposed, executing thousands for dissent and purported betrayal of the revolution. It’s actually the opposite of what Republicans are doing in Congress by opposing Obama’s agenda and attempting to push forward their own. That’s as ignorant an analogy as one might see in American politics.
And here's this new Obama attack ad, dripping with desperation, via Politico and Memeorandum:

Desperate. Very desperate.

RELATED: From Instapundit, "ARE “BAINERS” the new “birthers?”"

Added: More from Twitchy, "New low: Obama bemoans negativity, releases ad mocking Romney’s patriotism."

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