Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama's ‪#WarOnWomen‬: 80% of the 2.6 Million Net Jobs Created Since '09 Have Gone to Men

Well, it's not like Romney's hurting for attack material. This economy's a freakin' disaster for women. See the Los Angeles Times, "Newly Created Jobs Go Mostly to Men":
Even as women have moved up the economic ladder and outpaced men in earnings growth over the last decade, they are lagging behind in a crucial area — getting new jobs.

Since the recession ended in June 2009, men have landed 80% of the 2.6 million net jobs created, including 61% in the last year.

One reason: Male-dominated manufacturing, which experienced sharp layoffs during the recession, has rebounded in recent years, while government, where women hold the majority of jobs, has continued to be hit hard.

But there's something else at work. Men are grabbing a bigger share of jobs in areas, such as retail sales, that typically have been the province of women, federal data show.

That's not necessarily good news for women or men. So-called women's work often pays less and offers skimpier benefits and less opportunity for advancement than the jobs men previously held.

Paul Cordova and his wife, Betty Mowery, a 40-something San Francisco couple, found that out in short order. Three days after Cordova lost his job managing facilities at a San Francisco law firm in April 2009, Mowery was laid off as a customer service representative at an air freight company.

Cordova got a new job working as a clerk in a grocery store, but, at $9 an hour, it paid much less than his previous job. Mowery couldn't find any job and finally stopped looking. She went back to college this year to retrain for a career in mental health.

"It's a huge step down," Mowery said of their family income, close to $100,000 before the start of the recession at the end of 2007.
Postcards from the Obama Depression.

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