Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Presidential Attacks Seek to Demobilize Opponent's Supporters

Attack ads are essentially demoralizing. But they work, so campaigns keep using them. I do think this year we're seeing a new low on the Democrat side, but that's politics. Frankly, Romney needs to go negative in a big way, or get out.

In any case, the Los Angeles Times notes that both camps are seeking to demobilize support for the other's campaign, but since it's Obama that's been mostly on the attack, clearly the left's desperation factor is at the tipping point. See, "In Bain Capital campaign fight, key voters are the prize":

With the economy still sluggish, Obama has little likelihood of greatly increasing his support between now and November among voters who disapprove of his performance. But by portraying his rival as an unacceptable choice, he may be able to reduce the number who turn out to vote for Romney.

Romney, for his part, doesn't generate huge enthusiasm among voters, but has been counting all along on getting people to vote for him because they've decided to fire Obama.

As a result, a big part of the campaign right now is a contest to determine which man those voters dislike less. Both sides have been fairly open for months about how they planned to accomplish that goal.
Again, while the Times piece is pushing the "both sides do it" angle, the Obama campaign is out with yet another round of attacks this morning, at the video above and at CNN, "Obama ad continues to hammer Romney over taxes." (Via Memeorandum.)

RELATED: From Da Tech Guy, "Demoralized as Hell: the Obama Prevent Defense Edition":
They aren’t spending their money in the middle of summer in the hopes of defining Romney to an audience that isn’t paying attention, they are spending the money NOW to keep their poll numbers from collapsing prior to the fall campaign season. This isn’t about getting ahead, it’s about treading water long enough for something ANYTHING to come along and save them.
Via Instapundit.

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