Sunday, July 22, 2012

Released: First Video of Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter James Holmes

ABC News has the report, "ABC News Exclusive: First Video of Colorado Shooting Suspect James Holmes Emerges" (via Memeorandum and at YouTube). The clip, showing the suspect James Holmes at a science camp in San Diego six years ago, confirms what we already know about the man: he was a typically normal teenager and pretty much a geeky science guy. According to the article:
By most accounts, Holmes lived the life of a normal teen -- with a particular interest in science.

The video shows him being introduced at the seminar as someone whose "goals are to become a researcher and to make scientific discoveries. In personal life, he enjoys playing soccer and strategy games and his dream is to own a slurpee machine."

Though Holmes was apparently a gifted scientist who had received a federal grant to work on his Ph.D. at one of the most competitive neuroscience programs in the country, he was a loner who -- oddly for a young scientist -- seemed to have no Internet presence.
However, there's a second segment at ABC News, available at the YouTube clip here, in which correspondent Pierre Thomas reports that a computer was found in the suspect's apartment. I'm interested to hear more of Holmes' academic record and work product, as I mentioned last night at my report: "James Holmes' Academic Frustration and Social Isolation."

I'll be updating throughout the day, so check back.

Meanwhile, check PJ Media, "Fox: No Body Armor for Aurora Theater Shooter" (via Memeorandum).

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