Sunday, July 22, 2012

Six-Year-Old Veronica Moser-Sullivan Killed in Colorado Theater Massacre

I read about this little one yesterday, but more information is coming out.

Veronica Moser-Sullivan
At London's Daily Mail, "Pictured: The tragic six-year-old girl shot dead in Dark Knight massacre as America mourns 12 victims murdered in cold blood."
All 12 of those who died in the tragic cinema shooting in Aurora, Colorado on Thursday night have been identified - they range from 51-year-old Gorden Cowden to Veronica Moser-Sullivan, who was just six years old.

Three are believed to have been members of the military, while two died trying to save their girlfriends from the hail of bullets sent out by alleged shoot James Holmes, who launched his vicious attack during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.

Veronica, the youngest victim, was a 'delightful' girl who was looking forward to starting swimming lessons this week, according to her grieving family.

Details about the 12 victims emerged on Saturday, the day before Barack Obama planned to travel to Aurora to meet with those affected by the massacre.
More here.

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