Sunday, July 15, 2012

'Social Justice' Protester Self-Immolates in Tel Aviv

A report at Jerusalem Post, "Social justice activist sets himself on fire in Tel Aviv."

Actually, the guy was less a "social justice" protester than a disgruntled social services flunky. The anti-Israel +972 blog posts the guy's suicide letter:
The State of Israel has stolen from me and robbed me, left me with nothing

and the Tel Aviv District Court blocked me from getting justice. — registrar at the Tel Aviv District court, broke the law, disrupted legal proceedings, out of condescension.

It won’t even assist me with my rental fees

Two committees from the Ministry of Housing have rejected me, despite the fact that I have undergone a stroke and was granted 100% work disability

Ask the manager of Amidar, in Hafia, on Hanevi’im Street.

I blame the State of Israel

I blame Bibi Netanyahu

and [Minister of Finance] Yuval Steinitz

both scum...
More at that above link.

And Ynet identifies the man as Moshe Silman. See: "Man sets himself on fire during TA rally."

Google Mondoweiss for more, if you're interested. I'm not linking to that hate-site this time around.

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