Monday, July 16, 2012

Take the Mitts Off, Mitt!

You can say that again.

From Marc Thiessen, at the Washington Post, "Forget the apologies and take the mitts off, Mitt":
Here is the state of the presidential race in a nutshell: The Obama campaign charges that Mitt Romney might have committed a felony by misrepresenting his position at Bain Capital to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Outraged, Romney fires off this response:

“He sure as heck ought to say he’s sorry.”

Ward Cleaver, call your office.

Not surprisingly, President Obama brushed off Romney’s request and continued to hammer him over the weekend. Obama is playing by the brass-knuckle rules of Chicago politics. Rather than calling for apologies, Romney needs grab a bottle, break it on the bar and start fighting back.
Hey, sounds good to me.

Continue reading.

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