Saturday, July 21, 2012

Twelve Years After Boy Scouts v. Dale, Homosexuals Escalate Extremist Attacks on Traditional Organization

At great letter to the editor at the Los Angeles Times (responding to this idiotic "tolerance" editorial):
The Times' editorial bemoaning the "sad" and "unnecessary" evolution of the Boy Scouts reflected in its exclusion of gays and atheists should instead decry the fact that in many cases, democracy has evolved into a fanatic religion of the equal sign.

The support of Christian churches does not represent any nefarious and new penetration of religion into the Boy Scouts. Since its founding, the Boy Scouts has been based on traditional religious principles — nothing new here. The Supreme Court has affirmed the Boy Scouts' right to express this principle in its membership.

I do not see why it is so hard for some "democrats" to extend their love for equality and free choice to freedom of association. There is nothing to prevent the formation of parallel institutions that articulate their own values.

Jack Kaczorowski
Los Angeles
In fact, the radical homosexuals don't want "parallel institutions." They want to take over and fundamentally transform, as the president pledged, America's traditional institutions. And the leftist's couldn't care less about constitutional niceties such as freedom of speech or freedom of association. Once the homosexual extremists start to tighten their grip --- as they are now all over the nation with their hate-filled agenda --- they just tighten until their targets are near death and frankly give up. In our upside-down world the so-called oppressed have become the oppressors, and they've got an Oppressor-in-Chief in the White House. Thank goodness O's days are numbered. Soon people of values and decency can start rolling back the tide against the homosexual bigots and their disgusting Democrat allies.

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