Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adam Smith, Hateful Chick-fil-A Drive-Up Guy Who Made Videotape, Fired From His Position as Executive at Vante Corporation

It was a stupid stunt. Mean, heartless, and stupid.

But William Jacobson's not cheering his termination. See: "Why I’m not cheering the termination of Vante’s CFO for his anti-Chick-fil-A political stunt":
Why pick on a drive-through window clerk? The video seemed to capture in minutes the entire bullying methodology of the left.

Needless to say, the reaction has been substantial.

Now the person in the film, Adam Smith, has lost his job (unclear if he resigned or was fired, but clear what the cause was)...
Continue reading.

Actually, I don't think the guy should have been fired, but the folks at Vante must have been worried about a backlash, so something happened. It probably would have been a public relations disaster, especially as the guy was an executive at the firm. That said, I can see how a lot of folks on the right might be cheering this. If progressives want to act out like that --- in ways totally socially unacceptable --- they should be ready for the consequences.

More at Business Insider, "Vante CFO Bullies Chick-Fil-A Worker, Then Promptly Gets Fired For It."

Blazing Cat Fur also reported, "Liberal Douche of the Day."

PREVIOUSLY: "Hateful Progressive Berates Young Woman at Chick-fil-A Drive-Up Window."

ADDED: Linked at Blue Crab Boulevard. Thanks.

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