Thursday, August 9, 2012

Connecting the Dots on Obama's 'Cancerous' Attack on Mitt Romney

Here's the Obama campaign ad featuring laid off steelworker Joe Soptic, the guy who's wife died of cancer. This ran about May 15th. Notice how he's wearing the same sweater as the one he's wearing in libelous Priorities USA ad now dominating the headlines:

Team Obama released another Joe Soptic ad on May 14th, "Romney Economics: Bankruptcy and Bailouts at GST Steel." And here's the write-up at Obama for America, "Faces of Romney economics: Joe Soptic, American steelworker."

Amazingly, unfathomably, the campaign denied knowledge of Soptic, but Politico reports that they've now come clean, "Obama camp acknowledges knowing man's story."

And Rebel Pundit pulls it all together at Breitbart, "CONNECTING THE DOTS ON SOPTIC: BEGALA, BROCK, AND BURTON."

And here's this at IBD, "Obama's Campaign of Lies Reaches Despicable Low" (at Memeorandum):
Unable to run on his record, President Hope-and-Change has built a campaign based entirely on scurrilous lies about Mitt Romney. But the latest reaches a historic, despicable low.

That ad features a man claiming that after Bain Capital closed his steel plant, he lost his job and his insurance, and shortly thereafter his wife died of cancer.

Even it were true, trying to blame Romney for his wife's death defies credulity. But the facts are all wrong.

Romney had left Bain to run the summer Olympics two years before Joe Soptic lost his job in 2001. And his wife had her own job and insurance at that time. She later took a disability leave and lost her coverage, and her cancer was apparently symptom-free until she checked into a hospital for pneumonia in 2006.

The ad, sponsored by an Obama "super-PAC" was too much even for the in-the-Obama-tank press. CNN's Wolf Blitzer called it "a pretty outrageous claim," and Sam Stein of the Obama-worshipping Huffington Post said it went "too far."

The Obama campaign has refused to denounce the ad, which is understandable, since when you lie as often as it does, the lines of propriety start to get blurry.

The campaign continues to hammer Romney as an "outsourcer," though the only examples they can cite took place after he left Bain, and even though the independent reported the claim was bogus.

Obama campaign officials at one point called Romney a felon, saying he misrepresented his position at Bain after 1999. And Obama continued to make thinly veiled suggestions along these lines after the charge was completely debunked.
Continue reading.

And here's that key headline at Instapundit, "CANCER AD TURNS MALIGNANT: Business Insider: That Brutal Anti-Romney Ad Is Blowing Up In The Obama Campaign’s Face."

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