Monday, August 20, 2012

Conservatives Push for Todd Akin to Quit Missouri Senate Race

I posted on Rep. Akin's comments previously, "Progressives Call for Rape of Missouri Rep. Todd Akin." His comments were dumb, but throwing him under the bus to appease the radical left is the last thing I'd do. This is why we have political campaigns. People make gaffes. They have to stand up for the comments, apologize, and move on. I see no reason for someone like Akin to drop out for what clearly was a garbled message on a controversial topic, comments for which the candidate has now apologized. But now there are cries across the conservatives 'sphere for Akin to step aside, most prominently, at National Review, "Step Aside, Todd Akin" (via Memeorandum). William Jacobson weighs in, "Yes, Akin should drop out." And Robert Stacy McCain has a huge roundup, and laments that Akin's campaign is "beyond recovery."

The obvious reason for Akin to bail is that his continued presence in the race threatens a possible GOP takeover of the Senate in November. RCP's Missouri Senate polling is here. Claire McCaskill is the most vulnerable Democrat Senate incumbent facing reelection this year, and Obama is expected to lose Missouri, a defeat which will negatively impact down-ballot races. But Republicans need to pick up 4 seats with little room to spare. A Missouri pick-up is deemed essential, and Akin's comments have caused problems, "'Legitimate Rape' Gaffe May Cost GOP Senate Control." So while there's a pretty good case for Akin's withdrawal, the larger implication is that conservatives will have caved to a larger progressive Democrat progressive narrative, no only on political speech, but on abortion and health care reform.

Dana Loesch has been a stalwart voice for standing up against the left's thuggery on this. See, "AKIN ON 'LEGITIMATE RAPE': 'I MISSPOKE'." And below from Dana's timeline on Twitter, her first and second tweets yesterday on the Akin affair, and a couple of powerful later tweets. And check Dana's feed for updates. A leftist lynch mob has attacked her, screaming to have her raped.

Michelle Malkin has a sobering must read on this as well, "The Todd Akin mess." And all the news updates are at Memeorandum.

Akin's campaign has rejected calls to drop out, despite earlier reports.

Expect updates...

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