Friday, August 10, 2012

Fire Fareed Zakaria!

No, don't fire him for his petty (and stupid) pattern of plagiarism and hackery. Zakaria should be out for peddling the bullshit global warming myths at his perch on CNN. See, "Koch-backed scientist now says global warming is real," and "Robert Muller on global warming."

But hey, maybe it won't be long after all until he's out on that plagiarism thing.

See the Huffington Post, "Fareed Zakaria Suspended For Plagiarism: Time, CNN Pundit Apologizes For ‘Terrible Mistake’."

And it turns out that NewsBusters claims the scalp, "UPDATED: Time, CNN Suspend Zakaria | Talk About Concealed Carry: Fareed Zakaria Plagiarized Paragraph on History of Gun Control" (via Memeorandum).

And about that hackery, see the Boston Globe, "Fareed Zakaria’s Harvard, Duke speeches identical."

Zakaria holds a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard, and he's well-regarded for his writing on world politics, if not overrated. A while back, President Obama was photographed carrying a copy of Zakaria's "The Post-American World," which fits right into O's post-American ideology. Indeed, I guess the two get along like boon coons, with Obama rumored to be considering Zakaria for a top diplomatic post in a second Obama administration, "CNN's Fareed Zakaria Being Considered for Diplomatic Post in Obama Second Term - Maybe Secretary of State."

Zakaria now seems assured of getting that gig, since failing upward is pretty much a prerequisite for those holding top positions in O's crony cabinet.

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