Friday, August 3, 2012

The Killing of Michael Nida

At Reason, "Cops with Machine Guns: The Killing of Michael Nida."

Nida had a fear of law enforcement and ran from police. He was shot when he turned toward officers, who thought he was armed. That much is not at issue. It's why are local police armed with sub-machine guns on routine police calls? The last third of the clip is especially good. The recent Anaheim "officer-involved" shootings were pretty questionable, and the local community is right to protest the brutality. Unfortunately, the city reported that most of the anarchists destroying property were from out of town. So then it turns into a lame social justice mobilization, which then causes alienation and support for the police to put down the thugs. Idiots.

That said, I doubt drug decriminalization is going to bring an end to the drug wars, which is big pet issue for the libertarians.

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