Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wendy's Courts Public Relations Disaster: Implies Chick-fil-A Doesn't Serve All Customers

It keeps getting worse for the left-wing fascists.

Wendy's restaurants has stepped in it. See Business Insider, "A Bunch Of Wendy's Restaurants Put Up Signs That Say 'We Stand With Chick-Fil-A'."


But then they backtracked on Twitter:

Hmm, I guess they don't back Chick-fil-A after all, and Wendy's should probably get off Twitter:

Yeah, the Wendy's search on Twitter is on fire.

And it's not just an errant tweet, apparently. Towleroad says it got this email response from "Amanda Domyan" in Wendy's public relations department:
"This is one independent franchisee’s personal opinion. We are proud to serve customers of varied races, backgrounds, cultures and sexual orientation, with different beliefs and values. Bearing that in mind, this franchisee has decided to remove the messages from his restaurant signs."
Wendy's contact page is here.

Amanda Domyan is on Twitter here, located in Columbus, Ohio, where Wendy's corporate offices are located.

More from Dana Loesch, in any case:

And at Think Progress, "The Chick-fil-A Controversy Is About Religious Bullying, Not Chicken Sandwiches":
There is a very obvious reason why all of the conservatives defending Chick-fil-A only talk about it as defending “traditional marriage,” ignoring president Dan Cathy’s vitriolic comments and the company’s odious donations. They want to minimize the validity for outrage and reduce the issue to one of mere First Amendment privilege. Conceding to that spin allows the true harm of funding ex-gay ministries and anti-gay hate groups to go unchecked. Chick-fil-A and its president Dan Cathy are nothing short of religious bullies, and attacking the LGBT community for standing up for themselves is an expression of either ignorance in regards to Chick-fil-A’s offenses, apathy for LGBT equality, laziness, or a combination of all three.
Cathy's comments weren't "vitriolic."

Being conservative on marriage is apparently "anti-gay bullying."

These people are sick. They will attempt to shut down Chick-fil-A and any other business that doesn't toe the left's fascist line.

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