Sunday, September 9, 2012

'Not All Democrats Are Anti-Israel, But Almost All Anti-Israelis Are Democrats

That's the post title from William Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection.

And linked there is Joel Engel's entry, at the Weekly Standard, from 2004, "From Me to Jews":
The evidence is overwhelming that acceptable anti-Semitism has moved from right to left on the political continuum, and that its philosophical home now resides in the Democratic party, which has become less the party of liberals than of leftists. Even before Al Sharpton stood as a presidential candidate last year, Democratic politicians genuflecting for black votes--Al Gore, Bill Bradley, and Hillary Clinton, for example--often trekked up to Harlem to kiss his ring. And yet, this was a man who in previous years had either led or instigated two anti-Jewish demonstrations, one in Crown Heights and one in Harlem, which together resulted in the deaths of eight people. Does that matter to Democrats and John Kerry? Apparently not. Sharpton was rewarded with a choice slot at the Democratic National Convention, something that is impossible to imagine being given to the likes of former Republican David Duke, whose incitements have frankly born far less blood than Sharpton's.
Yeah, well, Sharpton's a star on the far-left hate-channel MSNBC, so there you go.

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