Monday, April 15, 2013

Hateful Anti-Semitic Ghoul Walter James Casper III Tweets Jew-Bashing Attack on Pamela Geller — and Israel!

Flashback to 2011, "Racist Walter James Casper III Doubles-Down on Endorsement of Revolutionary Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street":
Racist Repsac3 has a big butthurt post whining about how he's not really a racist anti-Semitic Jew-basher, despite endorsing a movement that was founded on property expropriation, revolution, and anti-Jewish and anti-Israel eliminationism.
Oh, and the anti-Semitic Hatesac denied he hates Israel.


"Not hating" Israel no doubt explains why the despicable Hatesac's tweeting out this heinous attack on Pamela Geller, which includes an endorsement of the genocidal Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions program:

And by the way, the lies in that Forward piece are so mendacious as to border on criminal insanity. Seriously. You can't take this argument seriously, unless you're a piece of inhuman refuse like Walter James Casper III:
Pamela Geller preaches venomous hatred of Muslims. She is one of the leading voices promoting the idea of “creeping Sharia” in the United States. Claiming that Islam, as a religion, is dedicated to eradicating Jews and eventually turning all others into Muslims by whatever means necessary is the very definition of hate speech. One might oppose BDS, consider it unfairly anti-Israel, or even consider it an unjust and threatening movement. But it is not hate speech, it is a political point of view.
Lies. All of it.

Pamela Geller rejects Islamic jihad not Muslims. Indeed, she's saved Muslims from honor killings. She's the ultimate advocate for the value and protection of human life. And of course, there is no such thing as "hate speech" in the United States. All political speech is protected short of advocacy of imminent violence. If anything, it's the BDS stormtroopers who fit the "hate speech" bill, if there ever was such a thing. The BDS program is truly genocidal, calling for the complete elimination of the Jewish state through the scam of the "right of return" of "Palestinian" refugees. This is Middle East Politics 101. See the Tablet, "NY Times, MSNBC Whitewash BDS":
Omar Barghouti, one of the Brooklyn BDS panelists, is on record saying that an end to occupation and settlement would not end the call for BDS, that he opposes the two-state solution, and that the right of return is the movement’s “foremost demand.” As he put it in 2001, Israel “was Palestine, and there is no reason why it should not be renamed Palestine.”

None of these facts will matter to the literally demonic Walter James Casper III. Truth is no corrective to moral depravity --- which is why he was banned from this blog ages ago.

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