Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Long, Sorry Tale of the Idiot Democrats' Failed Gun-Grabbing Debacle

The shills at the New York Times have been trying all day to place the blame for the failure of gun control everywhere else but where it belongs: on the president and his idiot enablers in Congress and the collectivist mass media.

Here's this morning's pathetic piece by Jennifer Steinhauser spinning the lame "no-real-chance-for-gun-control" meme, "Gun Control Effort Had No Real Chance, Despite Pleas."

Actually, it's not so tragic. Obama stupidly overplayed his Newtown hand and for his efforts he's being rewarded with the biggest political defeat of his presidency, the arrogant knucklehead. See Politico's analysis: "Gun control: President Obama’s biggest loss." The Democrats thought that 20 dead children would be plenty enough to put them over the top for their long-cherished gun confiscation designs --- and came out the worse for it, the losers.

Oh, so sad! Behold the poor crestfallen correspondents of the leftist media complex. It's now officially a period of gun-safety mourning, a WTF political moment if there ever was one.

Ms. Steinhauser piles on with another teary report at the Old Gray Gasbag, "For Gun Bill Born in Tragedy, a Tangled Path to Defeat":
WASHINGTON — Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona was in an empty hallway in the Capitol on Tuesday when he bumped into Gabrielle Giffords, the former Democratic member of Congress from his home state who was critically wounded in a mass shooting. Both froze in anticipation of the painful minute about to unfold.

Ms. Giffords, who had been fiercely promoting a background check bill for gun buyers, knew that Mr. Flake, a Republican and an old friend, had announced on his Facebook page the night before that he would not support the bill. So Ms. Giffords, who still struggles to speak because of the damage that a bullet did to her brain, grabbed Mr. Flake’s arm and tried — furiously and with difficulty — to say that she had needed his vote. The best she could get out was the word “need.”

Mr. Flake looked at the ground. “I said I was sorry,” Mr. Flake recalled Thursday, looking despondent. “I didn’t know what else to say. It’s very hard.”

In the end, Mr. Flake’s rebuff of Ms. Giffords and his decision to vote with many of his Senate colleagues against the gun measure helped doom a search among a small group of Republicans and Democrats to find consensus around gun regulations. Their efforts were largely trounced by the intense lobbying of gun rights groups, which declined to support a modest initiative to expand criminal background checks for gun buyers.

But the roots of the defeat can be traced to a variety of other factors: timing, convoluted Senate rules that allow minority opponents great influence, and an ultimately counterproductive alliance between Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, and Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, which inadvertently helped the groundwork for the opposition. The failure of the bill was complete on Thursday as Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, said lawmakers would move on to other issues and take “a pause” in the gun control fight...
Oh boo freakin' hoo. Hand these people some tissues for crying out loud.

More at National Journal, with a picture of an emotionally defeated Neil Heslin, the father of Sandy Hook victim Jesse Lewis, "How Obama Misread the Politics of Gun Control."

Plus, will someone please drive a stake into this beast? At the Weekly Standard, "Biden: 'The President Is Already Lining Up Some Additional Executive Actions' for Guns" (at Memeorandum).

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