Thursday, April 4, 2013

White Privilege Wristbands

This isn't like George Will. He's more of a high-brow wonky conservative, with ample Burkean sensibilities. He doesn't often deign to debunk the more common fare of the blogosphere, but  it turns out the left's program of totalitarian propaganda is too much even for Washington's establishment conservatives to ignore. See, "Schools Push Curriculum of Propaganda":
The real vocation of some people entrusted with delivering primary and secondary education is to validate this proposition: The three R’s — formerly reading, ’riting and ’rithmetic — now are racism, reproduction and recycling. Especially racism. Consider Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction. It evidently considers “instruction” synonymous with “propaganda,” which in the patois of progressivism is called “consciousness-raising.”

Wisconsin’s DPI, in collaboration with the Orwellian-named federal program VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America; the “volunteers” are paid), urged white students to wear white wristbands “as a reminder about your privilege, and as a personal commitment to explain why you wear the wristband.” A flyer that was on the DPI Web site and distributed at a DPI-VISTA training class urged whites to “put a note on your mirror or computer screen as a reminder to think about privilege,” to “make a daily list of the ways privilege played out” and to conduct an “internal dialogue” asking questions such as “How do I make myself comfortable with privilege?” and “What am I doing today to undo my privilege?”

After criticism erupted, the DPI removed the flyer from its Web site and posted a dishonest statement claiming that the wristbands were a hoax perpetrated by conservatives. But, again, the flyer DPI posted explicitly advocated the wristbands. And Wisconsin’s taxpayer-funded indoctrination continues, funded by more than Wisconsin taxpayers.

In Delavan-Darien High School’s “American Diversity” curriculum, students were urged to verify white privilege by visiting a Wal-Mart toy section and counting the white and black dolls. After objections, the school district is reconsidering this curriculum.

Such distractions from the study of calculus and literature are encouraged by CREATE Wisconsin (the acronym stands for Culturally Responsive Education for All: Training and Enhancement), which is funded with federal tax dollars from IDEA, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The disability being rectified here is, presumably, the handicap of insufficient guilt — arising from false consciousness — about white privilege.
There's more at the link.

And being Wisconsin, such indoctrination didn't escape the watchful eye of Ann Althouse, although it took George Will to nudge her toward blogging it: "George Will considers Wisconsin's Department of Public Propaganda."

A quick search turned up this graphic below from 2006, apparently recycled for Wisconsin's Department of Education. So much for originality. The progs don't require much thinking --- they just toe the party line, again, and again, and again! And hey, "Find a person of color who is willing to hold you accountable for addressing privilege." Yes, idiot progressive readers of American Power. I'm holding you racists accountable!

White Privilege photo coping_with_white_privilege_zpsd8b5b65e.png

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