Wednesday, May 1, 2013

'Obama Channels Clinton’s Worst Day in Office...'

'...Raises Doubts About Relevancy,' from Ron Fournier, at National Journal, on Monday:

A president is in trouble when he’s forced to defend his relevancy, as Bill Clinton did 18 years ago, or to quote Mark Twain, as Barack Obama did Tuesday. “Rumors of my demise,” he said at a news conference, “may be a little exaggerated at this point.”

Not wrong--just “exaggerated.” Not forever--just “at this point.”

Parsing aside, Obama channeled Clinton’s April 18, 1995, news conference by projecting a sense of helplessness--or even haplessness--against forces seemingly out of a president’s control.

For Clinton, it was ascendant House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the GOP's takeover of Congress five months prior, a vote of no-confidence for the first-term Democratic president. “The president is relevant here,” Clinton insisted in the East Room.

For Obama, his nemesis is a far-less charismatic and influential House Speaker John Boehner, as well as the intense weight of structural problems that favor Washington gridlock. These include the Senate filibuster, hyper-partisan House districts, polarized media outlets, and a fast-changing electorate that is sorting itself in political tribes.

“So my question to you,” ABC reporter Jonathan Karl asked Obama, “is do you still have the juice to get the rest of your agenda through Congress?”

Ouch. “Well, if you put it that way, Jonathan,” Obama quipped, “maybe I should just pack up and go home. Golly.” Then he quoted the humorist Twain, who famously denied his death.
More at that top link.

The Jonathan Karl query is here.

At the clip at top, Dear Leader heads back to the podium to take a question on Jason Collins, the "heroic" NBA star who came out this week. Twitchy just rips President Barebacker on that: "President calls Jason Collins, praises his courage; Slain heroes overlooked," and "Greatest orator ever? Obama says gay NBA player Jason Collins ‘can bang with Shaq’ [video]."

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