Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rick Perlstein, Call Your Publisher

Perlstein is the go-to author for idiot progressives attacking the GOP's alleged "racism" in the post-1968 era. It's a bunch of hokum, of course. The Democrats by that time had a 100 years of the most vile eliminationist white supremacy under their hats, and the left is nearly as racist today as it was back in its Jim Crow heyday.  But it's especially good to see political science research showing empirically that progressives like Perlstein are charlatans and liars. See Steven Hayward, at Power Line, "THE SOUTHERN STRATEGY” DEBUNKED AGAIN":
Liberals will never tire of calling conservatives racist, because it’s always a show-stopper, a way of cutting off further debate on any issue where a liberal is likely to lose. So don’t expect it to go away any time soon. (Though why Republicans aren’t better at “punching back twice as hard,” e.g., by pointing out the permanent racist legacy of the Democratic Party, noting the vote tally for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, etc., is beyond me. Another example of Republican rhetorical incompetence.)

Gerard Alexander began a thorough debunking of this theme in the Claremont Review of Books several years ago (“The Myth of the Racist Republicans“), and Sean Trende continues the job with a fine column today on RealClearPolitics, “Southern Whites’ Shift to GOP Predates the ’60s.” It’s worth reading the whole thing...
Rick Perlstein photo nixonland_cover-48db3825b11153224d9ad71a1f341f1cb1f51f01-s6-c10_zps164e6afe.jpg

More at the link.

Hat Tip: Instapundit.

And remember, progressives are the biggest racists.

Perlstein's book is here, Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America.

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