Thursday, July 4, 2013

'Hateriot's Day'

Leave it to Gawker to win this year's award for the most disgusting anti-American attack on the Fourth of July: "Hatetriot's Day: July 4th Is America's Crappiest Holiday."

The author is Ken Layne, on Twitter here.

And asshole editor John Cook's only-slightly joking tweet is here. And also at Memeorandum.

Layne's blather is easily debunked, but why bother? Millions of Americans couldn't care less about reading such self-loathing progressive bull. For me, it's mostly worth it just to take note. "Liberals" are less than 25 percent of the population, and hardcore leftists probably half of that. But for some reason this kind of rancid garbage gets regurgitated into the mainstream precincts, especially the schools. So it pays to keep tabs on dangerous fools like this who troll for traffic and demonic lulz. They are true dirtbag scum and decent folks should never miss a chance to expose them for all their disgusting toxic effluence and rot.

Added: Read this at Weasel Zippers for just really all that's necessary to rebut idiots like Ken Layne, "Cuban Defector [Dodgers' Yasiel] Puig Celebrates His First Fourth of July."

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