Monday, July 1, 2013

Homosexual Marriage is War on Society

Hey, meet your progressive masters, the butch bungee jumping badass drill ass mofos!

From Star Parker, at Townhall, "Same-sex Marriage is War on Religion":

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The preamble of our Constitution tells us that its purpose is to secure the “blessings of liberty.”

What is a blessing? The first definition in my Webster’s New World Dictionary says that a blessing is “a statement of divine favor”.

How can we secure divine favor in a nation for which the divine is unconstitutional? A prideful nation by definition must be a nation that rejects the idea of a blessing.

In the pride that precedes destruction in America of 2013, we reject that there are truths that don’t come out of a laboratory. We reject that that there are truths that parents get from their parents and pass on to their children.

We reject that there are truths that, when children learn them from their parents, and embrace them and become responsible for them, they become adults.

So now we live in society in which there is nothing that distinguishes a child from an adult, that distinguishes responsible from irresponsible.

Who suffers the most?

First and foremost, children. Because they are deprived from learning and taking seriously the very rules of life’s road that are critical to live successfully.

Even more so, children from minority families....

Let there be no doubt that same-sex marriage is about much more than marriage. It is a deliberate and conscious assault on religion and all traditional values.

We have only two options. Turn back to where we belong or watch the continuing collapse of our country.

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