Sunday, July 14, 2013

#HoodiesUp #NoJustice — 'Every F-king Cop Is a F-king Target...'

At Munz's Place, "Portland 'Justice for Trayvon' Rally: 'Every F-ing Cop Is a F-ing Target'."

And here's the comment from the revolutionary International Socialist Organization, "A racist killer is acquitted":
FOR MILLIONS of people in the U.S., the shock of learning about Trayvon's murder in February 2012 will still be fresh in their memory.

Martin was doing nothing more than walking through an unfamiliar neighborhood after a trip to the convenience store. But, like young African American men around the country, he was guilty of walking while Black. And so there was nothing to protect him from being identified as a threat--preemptively branded a criminal, to be stopped, questioned, searched, arrested...or worse.

It took weeks for the story of Martin's killing to emerge--after those who learned the facts of the case spread the word on the Internet, and people in Florida and around the country began holding protests. A series of galvanizing demonstrations took place in Florida, along with expressions of solidarity far and wide. The words "I am Trayvon Martin" were repeated in city after city.

As wrote at the time, the killing:
proves that racism is alive and well in 2012, while the first African American president sits in the White House. The widespread shock and anger over what happened to Trayvon--and the beginnings of protest around the case--tell us something else, too: That large numbers of people are outraged by racist injustice in this and other forms.
The basic fact that Martin had been racially profiled and stalked before his death couldn't have been clearer. For example, on tapes of 911 calls eventually released by police under pressure, Zimmerman declared, "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something." Zimmerman explicitly defied the operator's instruction not to follow Martin.

To obscure those simple facts, Trayvon Martin was put on trial--in the media after his death, and then by defense lawyers during Zimmerman's trial.

For example, the defense team claimed that Zimmerman--who at the time of the murder outweighed Martin by more than 100 pounds--was attacked without provocation and feared for his life, rather the other way around. Judge Debra Nelson allowed defense lawyers to present results from a toxicology report showing that Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system on the night he died. The lawyers and their champions in the right-wing media also attempted to claim that Martin had a history of violence--based on a video on Martin's cell phone showing two men fighting, neither of whom was Trayvon nor anyone he knew or was connected to.

The bigotry didn't stop with the verdict, either. At a press conference after the not-guilty decision, Zimmerman's co-attorney Mark O'Mara declared that his client was the real victim--and never would have been charged if he was African American "because those people who decided that they were going to make him the scapegoat would not have."

By contrast, prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda seemed perfectly content with the verdict, stating that the jury system is "not perfect, but it's the best of the world. And we respect the jury's verdict." Critics of the prosecutors say they made a series of mistakes and missteps throughout the trial....

Protests were already underway in cities around the country as this article was being written. There will be more in the days to come, and anyone horrified by Trayvon's murder a year ago and by the acquittal of his killer on Saturday night should participate and raise their voices.

That's in the days to come -- Trayvon Martin's killer should be held to account. And in the weeks and months that follow, we need to channel anger at this latest example of justice denied into an increased determination to confront the system that let it happen. We need to build the broader challenge to a world where a young Black man's life is in danger because he was walking where someone thought he shouldn't be--and where the political and judicial establishment protect the racists, rather than the victims of racist murder.
I've highlighted the thinly veiled promise of revolutionary street justice against Zimmerman.

This communist boilerplate is virtually identical to what comes out of the bilge ducts at MSNBC nightly. It's the far-left revolutionary dregs against the rest of us folks trying to go about our lives in peace and human decency.

Progressives will kill you. Assholes like Trayvon Martin will ground and pound you into the sidewalk and President Hussein and the Democrat-Socialists in Congress continue their devil's work to deprive you of your basic constitutional right to self-defense.

The shock on the faces of the MSNBC dirtbags last night revealed a deep-seated anger. Their hatred is becoming ever more unhinged. It's pretty mind-boggling.

Get ready to stand a post against the f-kers.