Monday, July 1, 2013

Kaitlyn Hunt at New York City Gay Pride Parade — #FreeKate

Of course!

She's at the forefront of statutory rape equality!

At the Other McCain, "Kaitlyn Hunt’s Big Gay Pride Day: Is ‘Jailbait Rights’ Now Mainstream?":
The Hunt family continued their campaign to make their 18-year-old daughter America’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ by taking her to New York for Sunday’s 44th annual Gay Pride Parade. Because defending Kate’s right to have gay sex with 14-year-olds isn’t all about lawyers and petitions, you know. It’s also about marching in parades and sightseeing in Manhattan and riding around in limousines.
You go, Kate! Statutory rape equality now!

That, and foreskin equality!

Don't miss those "foreskin pride" photos at the link!

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PREVIOUSLY: "After #DOMA Ruling, Much Work to Be Done for Statutory Rape Equality."

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