Monday, July 1, 2013

Public Approval of Supreme Court Falls to All-Time Low

At Rasmussen:

Gay Marriage photo supreme-court-gay-marriage-detail_zpsa133a597.jpg
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 28% believe the Supreme Court is doing a good or an excellent job. At the same time, 30% rate its performance as poor. That’s the highest-ever poor rating. It’s also the first time ever that the poor ratings have topped the positive assessments. Thirty-nine percent (39%) give the court middling reviews and rate its performance as fair....

Overall, 39% of voters now believe the court is too liberal, while 24% believe it is too conservative.
Via Althouse.

CARTOON CREDIT: Catholic Culture, "The Supreme Court on Gay Marriage: A Quandary of Confusion."

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