Thursday, July 4, 2013

Terror Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki Spent Kinky Nights in D.C. With at Least 7 Hookers

Damned porno-addicted Islamist hypocrites. No wonder Obama backs these guys in Syria.

At the New York Post, "Qaeda Ho-ly roller: Terror cleric shot his load with DC prostitutes":

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WASHINGTON — When he wasn’t preaching against America, terror-linked imam Anwar al-Awlaki was frequently hiring $400-an-hour hookers at posh DC hotels, newly released FBI documents reveal.

Awlaki, who delivered radical sermons at a mosque near Washington and ultimately met his end in a 2011 US drone strike in Yemen, paid thousands of dollars for at least seven hooker romps, according to interviews the prostitutes gave FBI agents soon after doing their dirty work.

The seedy details — not exactly in keeping with Awlaki’s constant invocations of “God the Almighty” in his sermons — are outlined in hundreds of pages of FBI documents released yesterday through an information request filed by Judicial Watch.
Keep reading.

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