Saturday, July 6, 2013

Trayon Martin, Rachel Jeantel, and Critical Race Theory

From Colin Flaherty:
Twitter was alive with hundreds of people talking about how more White People should learn Critical Race Theory to understand Jeantel. And their own racism.

Derrick Bell may have invented Critical Race Theory. But Glenn Singleton is the Pied Piper spreading it through schools. What we call achievement, he calls White Privilege.

What we call dim witted and angry — as we saw on the witness stand from Jeantel — Singleton would say is a nothing more than the different learning and communication style of black people: “Non-verbal. Personal. Emotional. Process Oriented.”

This is opposed to “White Talk: Verbal. Impersonal. Intellectual. Task-oriented.”

Glenn Singleton is not just an obscure academic theoretician casting pearls before undergrad sociology students. He trains teachers at hundreds of school districts around the country in how to bring Critical Race Theory into the classroom so they can “overcome the deeply embedded institutional racism” that is the only reason for the achievement gap between black and white students.

Critical Race explains it all: More blacks in prison? Racist cops. Black unemployment? Racist employers. Black drug use? Racist cops ignore white drug users. Black health, black crime, black poverty? Racism. Racism. Racism.
More at that top link.

Via Alan Caruba.

RELATED: At London's Daily Mail, "Police in town where Trayvon Martin was killed prepare for possible riots- in Florida and across the COUNTRY- if George Zimmerman is acquitted."

Shoot, cities around the country should prepare for riots. It's gonna be like the Rodney King trial.

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