Thursday, August 15, 2013

Obama's Department of Education Throws Lifeline to San Francisco City College

Well, you gotta love this.

Remember, SFCC is wholly owned by the hip urban diversity interests, and they weren't going to stand for an outside accreditation agency's adverse evaluation. So what to do? Go right to the race-obsessed Obama administration for a bailout, what else?

At LAT, "U.S. faults panel that criticized City College of San Francisco." And see KTVU San Francisco (also known as the "Ho Lee Fuk" broadcasting corporation), "CCSF teachers laud Fed's letter questioning ACCJC."

I read the initial, disastrous accreditation report. The college is f-ked up. So what did you union do? It alleged that there wasn't enough "diversity" on the accreditation visiting team, for one thing. (Too many administrators and not enough faculty members, who would no doubt be union hacks quick to ram through a positive evaluation.)

In any case, here's my initial report, "City College of San Francisco, Nation's Largest Two-Year College, On Brink of Closure."

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