Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teen Predator Kaitlyn Hunt Accused of Violating Terms of Pretrial Release in Statutory Rape Case

A huge entry at the Other McCain, "Prosecutors: Kaitlyn Hunt Violated Order, Sent Messages, ‘Lewd’ Photos to Victim UPDATE: Hunt Accused of Sending Masturbation Video to Teenage Victim UPDATE: Lesbian and Victim Had ‘Intimate Contact’ Until Two Weeks Ago."

Also at London's Daily Mail, "Lesbian high school cheerleader offered plea deal on her 19th birthday to avoid jail for having sex with classmate, 14, after thousands sign petition to support her."

Well, that plea deal might be falling through now, with the new revelations. As R.S. McCain writes:
Oh, my goodness: Just saw the document filed with the court, and it is absolutely devastating to Kaitlyn Hunt. “These photographs are explicit and depict the defendant [i.e., Hunt] nude, sometimes engaged in sex acts such as placing her fingers inside her vagina.” According to the document, Hunt also sent the younger girl at least one video that “explicitly depicts the defendant [i.e., Hunt] masturbating by rubbing her vagina with her fingers while moaning.”
Read it all at the link.

I'm sure there's going to be some interesting updates on this.

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