Saturday, September 7, 2013

Barack Hussein Obama Planned Syria Chemical Weapons Attack as Pretext for War?

I'm just asking

The premise, in any normal presidency, would be outlandish.

But this administration is not normal. This administration is so shifty, so dishonest, you simply cannot blithely dismiss any reasonable hypothesis of Obama's deceit as conspiracy. This is especially true since the treasonous Obama "enemedia" has covered for this juvenile narcissist traitor since Day One.

So, with that let's leave it to Pamela Geller, who is second to none in debunking this administration's lies and treason against America.

Here, "Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?":
Yossef Bodansky’s sources reveal that on August 13 and 14, there was a high-level meeting in Turkey that included the al-Qaeda Syrian rebels, along with U.S., Turkish, and Qatari officials, in which the Obama regime planned a bombing campaign after a “war-changing” moment that was set to occur within days. This “war changing” moment, of course turned out to be the gassing of 1429 people, including hundreds of children, to be blamed on Bashar al-Assad.
Read it all. (Via Memeorandum.)

Obama's America photo 2016_review_rect_zpsfadb03f7.jpg

We may never know the full truth. This current regime is itself a conspiracy on the American people, from Obama's Marxist-Kenyan roots, to the cover-up of his Weather Underground ties, to his hidden academic transcripts, to the Rashid Khalidi tape and Barack Hussein's backing of the terrorist PLO and Hamas, to President "Community Organizer's" ties to ACORN criminals and mobs, to the Fast and Furious gun-running murders, to the deaths of our American diplomats in Benghazi, to the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, to the...

This list is f-king endless!

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