Tuesday, September 10, 2013

President Obama National Address on #Syria Crisis

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Obama: U.S. must respond in Syria; President takes airstrike case to doubtful public."

And at the Washington Post, "Obama takes Syria case to people: Says failing to act would embolden Assad, Iran."

Also, "FULL TRANSCRIPT: President Obama’s Sept. 10 speech on Syria."

O's getting hammered on Twitter, but I think he gave it the old college try, especially considering how deep a hole he's dug for himself.

I'll have more reactions, but this Ron Fournier piece is quite good, at National Journal, "Syria Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Barack Obama":
A Democratic strategist who works closely with the White House, and who requested anonymity to avoid political retribution, told me, "This has been one of the most humiliating episodes in presidential history."

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