Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Principles in Shutdown Debate Worth Fighting For

From Michael Ramirez, at IBD, "At Stake For Republicans: Principles and the Party":
Some say the Republicans suffered an unnecessary, self-inflicted wound engaging in a government shutdown when President Obama seemed most vulnerable.

His popularity, after all, was eroding, the media were finally beginning to criticize his conduct of foreign policy, and even unions and the Congressional Black Caucus were turning their backs.

Truth is, the unions and black caucus will never turn their backs on this president and the media will continue to pronounce the scandals surrounding Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, intelligence leaks and the NSA as "phony" and ignore the administration's incoherent foreign policy and diplomatic failures.

No one wants a government shutdown, but the principles behind this one are worth fighting for. The shutdown challenges Obama's reckless policies and brings to light the real danger they pose, something the media refuse to do.
Continue reading.

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