Friday, October 4, 2013

Woman Killed in Capitol Hill Chase Was Fixated on President Obama

Well, support for Obama is a mental health issue, but this certainly is extreme.

At LAT, "Woman shot in D.C. chase had fixation on President Obama":

WASHINGTON -- The woman shot to death after a police chase from the White House to Capitol Hill had been suffering from mental health issues, according to federal law enforcement officials, including postpartum depression after her daughter was born and a troubling fixation on President Obama.

Miriam Carey’s declining mental stability, the sources said, developed into a belief that the president was “controlling" her life, which may explain why she appeared Thursday afternoon next to the White House and then led Secret Service agents and Washington police on a two-mile, three-minute chase down Pennsylvania Avenue. Along the way, two officers were injured.

"She thought that the president had her apartment under surveillance," Rep.  Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told the Los Angeles Times. "That must have prompted her trip to Washington and her attempt to visit the White House."

Carey’s sister, Amy, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday, "We will never know what Miriam was thinking in those last hours before she died. We can only speculate."

She said her sister experienced postpartum depression "with psychosis … which came along with treatment and medication and counseling…. She had her challenges as a new parent. I am a parent. I have two children. … There was nothing out of the ordinary.  She didn’t appear to be unstable."

But Amy Carey also asked, "Was there some other way that she could have been helped so it didn’t end tragically?”

McCaul said, however, that the police "didn’t really have much of a choice, given the way she was driving."

"At the time, they don’t know who she is, what her motivation is," he said. "When I talk to the FBI or Secret Service, they’re just amazed that she could drive at 80 mph down Pennsylvania Avenue and not hit a car…. When you’re traveling like that, and you’re erratic … there’s plenty of pedestrians that could be killed.

"Plus, the threat to the White House raises the stakes. And then this car was seen around the Capitol grounds. That raises the stakes even higher."
Also at Expose Liberals, "Miriam Carey Facebook page and profile."

And from yesterday at Twitchy, "Reports: All shots fired by police; Pathetic lefties continue to blame NRA and Tea Party."

Plus, "But of course! Actress Nancy Lee Grahn uses Capitol shooting to smear House GOP," and "Vile haters wish Ted Cruz and Tea Partiers were shot during the Capitol Hill lockdown."

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