Monday, November 11, 2013

If Only We'd Have Gotten the Public Option...

The left's response to the catastrophic ObamaCare rollout has been to (1) deny there's a problem, because once the website's working everything will be rosy, or something, or (2) to demonize those criticizing the president as greedy, racist capitalist scumbags raping the disadvantaged out of healthcare, or thereabouts.

There might be a couple other versions I'm leaving out, but so far that's about it. Folks on the left just aren't getting it. And they're not taking it too well. ObamaCare's not working and is not likely to ever work, because just wanting to provide universal health coverage doesn't necessarily translate into the political and technological competence to make it happen.

So here's one of today's example, at NewsBusters, "NYT Prints Op-Ed 'Daring to Complain About Obamacare'; Leftist Wrath Ensues." Following the links takes us to Lori Gottlieb's op-ed at the New York Times, "Daring to Complain About Obamacare." By now Ms. Gottlieb's story is all too familiar. Millions of people have been losing their insurance, and it's become an enormous political problem for the Democrats. At this point it's almost a certainty that a major policy change will be adopted, perhaps delaying full implementation of the law until 2015. Actually, at this point I say let it go into effect, so Democrats can eat that f-ker at the polls next November.

Either way, it's going to be ugly. But the Newsbusters piece trolled the comments at NYT, and doing likewise I noticed this comment below from an anti-captialist Obama supported who was down for a "robust" public option in 2009. (The public option was the socialist left's preferred socialist option, pushed, during the congressional debate in 2009, by people like Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake.)

You gotta love the attacks on "private insurance companies":
Do not blame President Obama for the fact private insurance companies are using the ACA as an excuse to change your policies and increase your premiums.

Blame 3 Senators (Nelson, D-NE; Lieberman, I-CT; and Landrieu, D-LA). President Obama wanted a public option in the bill, but those 3 Senators announced they would not vote for cloture if the bill contained public option. Without a vote for cloture, Harry Reid had to bring a bill to the floor without a public option. They sided with big insurance (who were afraid of government competition) and against the people.

If there were a public option, people could choose it instead of paying what private insurance companies charge. Consider education, people can send their children to free public schools or pay tuition to send their children to private schools. In the case of the ACA, there is no choice. Everybody must purchase private insurance. This is great for the bottom line of private insurance companies; but not so great for the people.

Ironically, my former Senator, Cornhusker Kickback Ben Nelson, lives in a state that requires that all power generation be public (there are no private electric companies in Nebraska). We have some of the lowest electric rates in the country because power is socialized in Nebraska (the people own the means of electricity generation).

Give me public insurance (e.g., Medicaid and Medicare) any day. The ACA doesn't even give the public the option of buying public insurance.
And no surprise, but Martin Longman jumped on the socialist bandwagon, attacking Ms. Gottlieb as a liar, "Another ObamaCare Liar."

She's not lying. Nor are the millions of others who've been kicked to the curb by this law. But leftists are not dealing with reality here. They're operating through the utopian socialist healthcare ideology that got us to this spot in the first place. It's time to unravel it. And that will come after the Republicans win back control in Washington and repeal the left's ObamaCare monstrosity.

More from JustOneMinute, "We'll Score This as 'Not A Like'," and Legal Insurrection, "Tax The American Prospect to pay this lady’s increased health care bill."

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