Monday, November 11, 2013

Oh My! Sarah Palin Stuffs Matt Lauer's #ObamaCare 'Apology' Meme

This is too good!

Matt Lauer doubles-back with the "Obama apologized" line, but Palin's having none of it. She rightly debunks the story that everything will be fine once the website is fixed. The problems go way beyond the website. And the look on Lauer's mug is gold.

Via Doug Powers, at Michelle's blog, "Matt Lauer pushes Dem O-care talking points; Sarah Palin doesn’t take the bait."

What Palin does is bring the grassroots message of decency and values right into America's living rooms. I'm sure it's a shock to the system for the left's regressive ghouls. They'll dash for their channel-changers faster than a cockroach scurries for the baseboards at the flip of the light-switch.

She also plugs her new book, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas.

What a great American.

Added: Also at the Other McCain, "Go, @SarahPalinUSA, Go! Whacks Lauer, ObamaCare on ‘Today’ Show (VIDEO)."

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