Tuesday, November 12, 2013

President Moron

From William Gensert, at American Thinker, "Obama: The Most Dangerous of Morons":

Obama Moron photo ObamaHopeMoronPoster_zps251dac93.jpg
There have been bad presidents -- see Jimmy Carter.  Yet has there ever been a president as staggeringly incompetent as Barack Obama?  Really, can there be any other explanation for his performance as president than the man is, well...a moron?

Let's face it, we all know them.  They are the people who either started out with money, or have spent a lifetime failing up.  Despite a distinct lack of accomplishment, personal or professionally, they believe they are the smartest person in every room.  They cannot utter a sentence that does not include "I," "me," and "my," and they never stop speaking.  To quote Alice Roosevelt, they are "the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening."

They seem to Forrest Gump their way through life, with one undeserved success after another.

Does this remind you of anyone?

Have you ever noticed how many of these "really smart" people there are in government?  It's a magnet for morons, and it seems every damn one of them is portrayed by the media as a genius in his own right.  Yet, they never seem to be able to do anything but make things worse, and usually much worse.

These are America's morons and Barry is their leader.

Obama has strange tastes.  His favorite show is Homeland.  He's proud to tell people this, and don't get me wrong, I like the show myself -- as a work of fiction.  Then again, I'm not the President of the United States of America.  In that case, the bar should be set higher.

A president who brags about liking a show where one of the lead characters assassinated the Vice President of the United States is not one to be taken seriously as president, or as anything.

One more time for emphasis, the President of the United States willingly tells people his favorite show is one in which the Vice President was assassinated.

What is this guy, a moron?

The answer is yes, he is a moron, and worse, he is the most dangerous of morons, one who doesn't think he is a moron.

Don't get me wrong, this is not an anti-moron screed.  In my life, I have had more than 2,000 people work for me.  Morons have their place.  A good manager reads an employee and his skill set and uses that person to the maximum of his abilities.  A moron can contribute.  A moron can be an effective employee -- I've had many of them.

Yet when he is delusional and lacks self-awareness, he often has the 'I can do anything' syndrome and ends up thinking he can be President of the United States, while believing he's got game like Lebron and is smarter than all his advisors.

A dangerous moron, at times, can self-limit the damage done, by lightening the workload.  Having surprisingly risen past his level of competence, he naturally thinks he is actually so great, he doesn't have to work hard.  So...he doesn't.  Instead he plays golf, and throws parties, and gives speeches, and looks longingly at his reflection in the mirror.

Narcissus was convinced no one was prettier than Narcissus.  And Barry is convinced no one smarter than Barry.

A moron can be productive -- providing he knows his limitations and can use what God has given him within those limitations.  A dangerous moron, however, is all arrogance and bluster, always convinced that every one of his incompetent actions and the inevitable results, are actually brilliant successes and if not, somebody else's fault.  Dangerous morons hate to admit they were wrong.  They are also incapable of feeling shame or guilt.

Dirty Harry Callahan said: "A man's got to know his limitations."  And Clint Eastwood talked to an empty chair.  Well...Barack Obama is the iconic "empty suit," which, by definition is the most dangerous of morons...
Continue reading.

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