Thursday, November 14, 2013

Repeal: It's the Only Cure

At Dianny's Rants:
Those of us who reside on planet earth and not in Hopey/Changey Land knew this would be the outcome of passing Obamacare. We shouted it from the rooftops all through 2009 and into 2010 before the law passed. We continued to warn about the damage it would do, most recently, during Ted Cruz’s 21-hour filibuster at the end of September.

And here it is.

Everything we told you would happen is happening.

You didn’t listen to us then, please listen to us now.

There is no “fix” to “problems” that are arising with Obamacare. The problems are built in to the very structure of the law. What is happening is exactly what they wanted to have happen. Destroy the private insurance industry. Collapse the healthcare system. Then, proclaim that the only solution is complete government control in the form of single-payer, socialized medicine.

In a phrase: Medicaid for America.

The Republicans in the House and Senate: You too need to be reminded of that fact. Because if you lose sight of the reason Obamacare became law, you too will fall for the idea of “fixing” it.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was never meant to “work” in the sense that it will protect patients or make healthcare affordable.

I’m going to repeat myself here. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is doing exactly what they wanted it to do. It is destroying the private health insurance market. It is stripping the individual of any sovereignty over his or her own life, health and well-being. It is creating a vacuum in which these scurvy Liberals can then declare the need for a single-payer, government-run healthcare system.

There is nothing to “fix” because Obamacare is working exactly the way it was designed to work.

These Liberal Democrats who are proposing to “fix” it, have no interest in changing any aspect of the law. Their only hope is to change your opinion of them.

The only solution, the only cure to this law and the mess it has made is to repeal it.
Continue reading.

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