Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Stumbling, Bumbling Lame-Duck Obama Seeks to Shift Momentum

And what better way for the lame-duck loser to shift the debate from ObamaCare momentum than talking about immigration reform? Doh!

At WSJ, "Obama Shifts Focus in Bid for Momentum: Organizes Flurry of Events on the Economy and Immigration":
Problems with the government's health-care website are forcing President Barack Obama to redraw his plans for the rest of the year as he looks for ways to regain political momentum.

Scrapping a planned push to drive people to the balky website, the White House is organizing a flurry of events on the economy and immigration, as well as health care, a senior administration official said.

Several executive actions are in the works related to workplace skills and other matters, this person said, as the president moves to sidestep a polarized Congress to advance his agenda.

The president will headline a health-care event Monday with Obama re-election campaign supporters and another on Wednesday in Texas with volunteers who are helping consumers learn about and enroll" in the health-care program, according to the White House. On Tuesday, he will hold an event on immigration, followed by an economic event Friday at a port in New Orleans. The schedule will make Mr. Obama more visible than in recent weeks, which he has spent largely behind the scenes.

The White House is also preparing to announce several executive actions in December, including private-sector partnerships, aimed at jobs and economic growth, a senior administration official said. The actions, which are still being crafted, will focus on infrastructure and increasing workforce skills—a priority of business leaders Mr. Obama has been meeting with in recent weeks, the official said.

A push to raise the minimum wage is also under discussion in the West Wing, people familiar with the issue said. Mr. Obama urged Congress during his State of the Union address early this year to increase the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour, from $7.25 now, and index it to inflation. The proposal didn't gain momentum.

Now, Mr. Obama plans to spend more time on a minimum-wage increase, the senior administration official said, although White House officials said they don't expect Congress to act on it by the end of the year.
No, they won't act on it --- but boy, that oughta work wonders to change the subject from the healthcare debacle. That, and homosexual rights!

At Twitchy, "Here we go: President readying for another pivot — far away from Obamacare."

Rainbows and unicorns --- and S&M bullwhips!


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