Friday, November 1, 2013

Suddenly, Obama Loves Mitt Romney as He Walks Back His Keep-Your-Health-Plan Promise

A smashing editorial at the Wall Street Journal, "A President Manqué":
Voters may recall Mr. Romney as the Republican candidate the Obama campaign said was responsible for the death of a Missouri steelworker's wife, among many other White House inventions. But on Wednesday Mr. Obama cited Mr. Romney as a political model who did "the right thing on health care" and built "this template of proven, bipartisan success."

Mr. Romney responded more rapidly than his Presidential campaign usually did and issued a statement saying that "a plan crafted to fit the unique circumstances of a single state should not be grafted onto the entire country" and disavowing the "frustrating embarrassment" of ObamaCare.

The Boston trip is classic example of the Obama political method and why his Presidency is floundering only a year into his second term. Amid a crisis of government execution and policy design, Mr. Obama doesn't address the flaws or take responsibility.

Instead he hits the campaign trail to blame Republicans once again for a failure they had nothing to do with—and to spin new political fables to replace the old ones that even he can no longer utter with a straight face. On his current behavior, the only time Mr. Obama is going to act as if he's President is when he no longer is.

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