Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Real Fix for #ObamaCare

Why, the full-blown government takeover of healthcare.

Single-payer "Medicare-for-all," via communist RoseAnn DeMoro, at the far-left Guardian UK, "The real fix for Obamacare's flaws: Medicare for all":

Single Payer photo IMG_8308_zpscd314f16.jpg
Website delays – the most unwelcome news for computer acolytes since the tech boom crashed – are not the biggest problem with the ACA, as will become increasingly apparent long after the signup headaches are a distant memory.

What prompted the ACA was a rapidly escalating healthcare nightmare, seen in 50 million uninsured, medical bills plunging millions into un-payable debt or bankruptcy, long delays in access to care, and record numbers skipping needed treatment due to cost.

The main culprit was our profit-focused system, with rising profiteering by a massive health care industry, and an increasing number of employers dropping coverage or just dumping more costs onto workers.

The ACA tackles some of the most egregious inequities: lack of access for many of the working poor who will now be eligible for Medicaid or subsidies to offset some of their costs for buying private insurance through the exchanges, a crackdown on several especially notorious insurance abuses, and encouragement of preventive care.

But the law actually further entrenches the insurance-based system through the requirement that uncovered individuals buy private insurance. It's also chock full of loopholes.

Some consumers who have made it through the website labyrinth have found confusing choices among plans which vary widely in both premium and out of pocket costs even with the subsidies, a pass through of public funds to the private insurers.

The minimum benefits are also somewhat illusory. Insurance companies have decades of experience at gaming the system and warehouses full of experts to design ways to limit coverage options.

The ACA allows insurers to cherry pick healthier enrollees by the way benefit packages are designed, and as a Washington Post article noted on 21 November, consumers are discovering insurers are restricting their choice of doctors and excluding many top ranked hospitals from their approved "network".

The wide disparity between the healthcare you need, what your policy will cover, and what the insurer will actually pay for remains.

Far less reported is what registered nurses increasingly see – financial incentives within the ACA for hospitals to prematurely push patients out of hospitals to cheaper, less regulated settings or back to their homes. It also encourages shifting more care delivery from nurses and doctors to robots and other technology that undermines individual patient care, and that may work no better than the dysfunctional ACA websites.

Is there an alternative? Most other developed nations have discovered it, a single-payer or national healthcare system.
 More at the link. (And don't miss the comments, where conservatives hilariously trolled the thread.)

I checked out this lady, Ms. DeMoro. She's the executive director of the National Nurses Organizing Committee, a political action group for National Nurses United and the AFL-CIO. In other words, she's a communist. She's got an interview with far-left propagandist Bill Moyers, available at the NNU homepage. And quoted here, "What Do Real Socialists Say About Obama’s Health Care “Reform”?"

PHOTO CREDIT: Zombie, "SF Protesters to Obama: Please Be a Dictator!"

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