Monday, November 18, 2013

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Says He Won't Go Down Without a Fight

At Canada's National Post, "Rob Ford vows not to go down without a fight after vote strips him of key powers."

But see Christie Blatchford, "Rob Ford’s downfall leaves sobering questions about Toronto police probe":

By this point in the shlock opera that is the Rob Ford story, it’s a given that the Toronto mayor is, to borrow from Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar on Wayne’s World, not worthy.

He is not worthy of defending. He is not worthy of the benefit of the doubt. He’s not worthy of another chance.

What Mr. Ford is is hard bloody work, and after months of duplicity, he has managed to squander the public trust. And with each new low he attains — the bar is now well below the ground — he exhausts even the residue of goodwill that remained for him even after the last of the trust had gone.

So don’t cry for him.
Continue reading.

More at BCF, "Is OCAP Trying To Setup Rob Ford?" And, "Rob Ford’s prominence in police investigation into two other men puzzling, experts say."

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