Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Please Take Me off Your List of Hate

Dr. Helen Smith, Glenn Reynolds' "Insta-wife," destroys the disgusting hate-addled pseudo-science psychologist Kirk J. Schneider Ph.D., who published a book smearing the tea party as "extremist":
How DARE YOU send me this trash associating law abiding American citizens with Nazi Germany and Maoist China. I am a psychologist who has sympathy for my fellow Americans who are so “extremist” that they believe in lower taxes and the Second Amendment. Horrors!

What is “killing us” are polarized minds like Kirk J. Schneider Ph.D who is so narrow-minded that he thinks those who have different political beliefs than himself are the enemy and seeks to assign them with a “diagnosis.” What is truly extremist and scary to those of a more conservative or libertarian persuasion is that so many psychologists such as the one below are such political hacks for the Democratic Party. Please take me off your list of hate.

Helen Smith, Ph.D.
I get these idiotic far left-wing solicitations, and sometimes I'm almost as pissed off as Dr. Helen. I don't think I could express my disinterest which such exquisite contempt, but that's a template for the ages. Kudos. (And be sure to read Dr. Schneider's pathetic solicitation at the link.)

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