Friday, February 7, 2014

Melissa McEwan Hails ObamaCare's Disincentives to Work

Well, it's not like she needs any further disincentives to get off her lazy ass, yo.

At Shakesville, "Legions of Lazy Strawpeople."

Melissa moo cow's outraged with this commentary from the left-wing Chicago Tribuine:

Melissa McEwan photo 200px-Shakesvillefatcow_zpsf849100b.jpg
But, and here's where the impact is likely pernicious, some will quit or work less precisely because they'll now qualify for Medicaid or for subsidies under the law. In effect, they'll have a government incentive to be less productive. ...Government subsidies that persuade people to be less productive are not healthy for the nation.

Of course the law's "pernicious." It creates disincentives to work, period. Amazing that Dems and progs are for people working less, which only helps to shrink the economy, not expand it. And it's government policy doing that. It's ObamaCare doing that. We're moving away from a culture that prides itself on self-reliance to one that says it's okay to loaf and sponge off others who still possess --- somehow, given the perverted Democrat entitlement onslaught --- that once-vaunted American thing: a work ethic.

Like I said earlier, "leftists are partisan assholes who've no clue of basic decency, much less economics." Especially Melissa McEwan.

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