Friday, February 7, 2014

Russia's Irina Rodnina Lights Olympic Flame: Tweeted 'Racist' Picture of President Obama Last Year

This is hilarious.

From Julia Ioffe, "The Woman Lighting the Sochi Olympic Flame Tweeted a Racist, Doctored Picture of President Obama":
Legendary figure skater Irina Rodnina just lit the Olympic flame alongside hockey goalie Vladislav Tertyak. People may know her for her many medals or her newfound political role (she is a member of the upper house of the Russian parliament and voted for the recent ban on American adoptions of Russian children) or for the fact that her daughter, Alyona Minkovski, was one of the young faces on Russia Today, but I'll always know her as the woman who, in September, tweeted the following doctored photo of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Russia's Irina Rodnina photo rodnina_tvit_obama_zpsce5217d8.jpg

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