Thursday, March 20, 2014

Irony: No Funeral for Hate-Preaching, Funeral-Protesting Westboro Church Founder Fred Phelps

I despise Westboro Baptist. Their funeral protests against America's service personnel are probably the most evil form of free speech this side of the KKK. But it's their right to do it, and frankly, Phelps has never been a model for conservatives on opposition to the radical left's homosexual agenda.

So it's pretty ironic that Phelps' own family won't hold a funeral for the old man. At WIBW Topeka, "No Funeral, After Death Of Westboro Church Founder Fred Phelps."

And a rare expression of decency on the left, from Erica Cook, at Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, "Show love to Fred Phelps's family instead of hatred":
The very post I saw his death reported also had a call to picket his funeral as he has done to so many. This was by a friend who has seen his hate, and understandably wants to exact revenge. But if the actions of his life have shown anything it is that the funeral is no place for revenge or the spirit of hate. We may not feel sorrow at his death. It may even be a day of relief. But this is the time to show why he was wrong to protest the funerals of our family.

This is the chance to show the world how we are better people. We aren’t people who make the death of a man the reason to celebrate, no matter who that man is. We are the better people. And no matter who he is to us, he was someone’s father, grandfather, brother, and uncle. We may still be fighting against them, but today they need the respect they didn’t have the capacity to give when it was us. If we act in any way other than respectful we become no better than them. In stooping to that we relinquish the right to call what they do wrong.
Like I said, a rare example of leftist decency.

I'm sure there was plenty of leftist joy around today, for example:

Leftists dance on conservative graves every time a right-winger dies. And leftist hatred of conservatives hasn't abated in recent years (Duck Dynasty anyone?). But hey, leftists always need someone to hate. Might as well be Fred Phelps.

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