Friday, March 21, 2014

Nancy Pelosi Calls #ObamaCare — Wait, I Mean the 'Affordable Care Act'! — a Winner for #Democrats in 2014

This lady is certifiably insane.

At U.S. News, "Pelosi says health care law a political plus for Democrats."

And at the NRCC, "6 Awful Moments From Nancy Pelosi’s News Conference “Celebrating” ObamaCare."

Also from Ericka Johnsen, at Hot Air, "Pelosi: Stop calling it ObamaCare. It’s the Affordable Care Act. Affordable, affordable, affordable."

Of course, it's simply not "affordable." At the Hill, "O-Care premiums to skyrocket."

It's going to be a Democrat bloodbath in November. I can't wait.

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