Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Constituents Outraged at Irvine Councilman Larry Agran Proposal for 'Friendship City' in Communist Vietnam

Yeah, and this from a Democrat who ran for his party's 1992 presidential nomination.


Remember, the O.C. is home to the largest number of Vietnam refugees in the country.

Gotta love that Democrat Party ethnic sensitivity, lol.

At LAT, "As anger builds, Irvine official drops plan to bond city with Vietnam":
John Duong, who lives in Irvine and heads the city’s Finance Commission, said he was “floored” that a veteran politician like Agran would make such a proposal.

“I don’t think he understands our sentiments and emotional scars,” Duong said. “Why bring back painful memories for people who value freedom?”
Well, obviously Democrats don't truly value freedom. Shoot, Communist Vietnam is right up there with Cuba as the cool spot for leftist happy campers!

Shoot, they can't wait for Americans to adopt the Cuban healthcare system! At National Journal, "Sen. Tom Harkin Visits Cuba, Is Pretty Impressed With Its Public Health System." Makes sense: Castro loves ObamaCare!

Damned Communists, sheesh!

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